Becoming a Front End Developer - Diary 0

This post was first published on my personal blog. It was migrated here for historical reasons (and because I am a compulsive completionist) and may have been edited from its original form and content.

I’ve wanted to transition from a Java developer to a front-end web developer for a while. The front-end is exciting (new technologies!) and demanding (there’s simply no way to fake work: your code is either changing things on the page, or it’s not), and thus perfect for me.

Well, it is happening. I am becoming a front-end web developer. I am not going to give up on this. And, though I am not well-prepared for that sort of work, I will not give up or wait. I’m going to start now.

This diary series will serve as a place where I can record what I am learning each day that I put in any significant amount of effort into learning the skills and information necessary for making that transition. I hope it will serve as a good record of my hard work and intention, and maybe serve as encouragement for others who are trying to make the jump, too.

Well, what am I waiting for? The clock is ticking. Let’s get started.